Thursday 10 December 2009

So you think a trust is "spicy" with gearing of 124% do you Moneybox Man? Well I've got Jupiter Second Split with gearing of 218%! Yes, and worse! So why don't you tell your friends about investing on the Dark Side? Tell them what can happen when a convent girl like me becomes addicted to gearing, to risk, and to ruin! Nearly-ruined, Romsey.
I'm sorry, Nearly-ruined Romsey, but this site is for sober investors who find excitement enough playing scrabble. Our aim - and there are only two or three seminars to go - is to put together a small selection of sound investment trusts that can be easily managed on line, that can be left alone for a five year period if necessary,  that can be expected to rise in line with inflation, and that will pay a tax-free dividend of 4 to 4.5%pa. That is what we are about, and therefore "Non-conventional" Investment Trusts are not for us! [Incidentally, you might like Jupiter Dividend and Growth where the NAV on the ordinary income shares has fallen by 49.7% leaving the shares geared at 3337%  - yes, that's three 3s and a 7]

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